ArkAngel Dance & Theatre
Dancing Along River Niger
Dancing Le Voyage
Flying Canoe
Japanese Dance Traditions
L2D or D2L?
Mexican Fiesta Dances
St. Nick Was a Real Person
Through Irish Eyes & Feet
Voyageur Songs & Dances
Yoga Quotient
Yoga: Sustainable Practice
Born 2 Move Payment

"...Especially appreciated about Marc was his ability to work collaboratively."
-Hilarie Rath, Intermediate Teacher , Aldo Leopold Community School Green Bay, WI

"Marc has a natural talent for teaching that is strengthened by his diligence, honesty, and creative desire."
- Ellie HInz Radue, Drama/Language Arts Teacher, West High School, Green Bay WI

You would be interested to see Grace at home now when music is on. She is continually developing new ways to dance to the music, and I think that comes with the confidence she has in her inner creativity which she discovered in your class.
- Luann Skarlupa (Grace's Mom), Depere, WI

"(Marc's) excellent work was a truly creative endeavor that pulled together the many aspects of opera, drama, dance and music and he did it most successfully."
- Professor Sarah Meredith Livingston, University of Wisconsin - Green Bay

"Dancing In The Fire: The Monarch. the Missionary, and the Métis"

  • "Highest quality dance, narration, words, costumes and information."
  • "The strongest aspect of the show was the way the three stories were tied together- great flow!"
  • "New perspective on the French influence in the region".
  • "Bringing history alive instead of just words in a book".
  • "The strongest aspect of the show was the interplay of choreography and narration."
  • "Visual and oral presentation at the same time"
  • "The strongest aspect of the show was learning that the peace pipe was known among most of the tribes, and showing how sophisticated the Native Americans really were."

Voyageur Songs and Dances

  • "We agree that it was an active and motivating program which touched on many of the curriculum standards. We liked the activities to go with pictures."
    -Monroe Elementary School. Manitowoc, WI
  • "The students talked about the program for several days. It definitely impacted their learning and added important information to their background knowledge. The use of all modalities of learning was effective for all students."
    -Helen Keller Elementary School, Green Bay, WI
  • "They acquired semantic, geographical and historic information that will increase their knowledge base in Social Studies and French. They gained familiarity with the cultural and historical heritage of the region in which they live."
    -West DePere Middle School, DePere WI
  920 362-3451